2019 Argon 18 E-117 Daytona Pro 1 Triathlon BikeThe Argon 18 E-117 Tri Daytona PRO 1+ is a high-performing triathlon
bike for a great price for the athlete looking to take a chunk out of
their triathlon time. This bike is designed to meet the needs of a wide
range of triathletes from young ..
2019 Argon 18 E-119 Daytona Pro 1 Triathlon BikeThe
Argon 18 E-119 Tri bike is the summation of everything Argon 18 has
learned about cheating the wind and riding fast. The design blows their
previous top bike, the E-118 Next out of the water. Argon 18 is a big
believer in balance. The bike ..